6 Ways to Maintain Your New Smile After Teeth Whitening

Jun 10, 2024
 6 Ways to Maintain Your New Smile After Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening has made your teeth brilliant, and you’re happy with the look. How do you keep your smile bright as long as possible? Read on to find out how to preserve those pearly whites post-treatment.

Tooth color many factors influence tooth color. 

Discoloration is due to external (extrinsic) factors, which come from what goes in your mouth or issues inside your teeth beneath the enamel exterior (intrinsic) caused by injury or infection.

That means that foods and drinks, tobacco, poor dental hygiene, some medications, and tooth trauma are common factors in tooth discoloration.

Teeth whitening is a great way to remove stains caused by mild issues. Of course, after the procedure, you must also try to keep your teeth white. 

Let’s explore ways to preserve your glistening smile post-whitening.

If you live in Richmond Hill, Georgia, and you’re unhappy with the color of your teeth, Dr. Nils Anderson and our experienced dental team at Village Dental can make them the whitest.

The teeth whitening process

Professional whitening is a straightforward process that starts with deciding how bright you’d like your smile. Next, pumice is used to polish your teeth and remove any plaque from the surface. Gauze is used to isolate teeth and keep them dry, and retractors may be applied to separate other parts of your mouth from your teeth. 

After a barrier is placed to protect the gumline, your teeth are coated with a whitening solution (often hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide) to bleach them. It’s left on for up to an hour. A laser or curing light may be used to activate the chemicals. Once the optimal shade of white has been achieved, the mouth is rinsed, and fluoride is applied to strengthen teeth and ease sensitivity.

Ways to preserve whiteness

Because professional whitening uses the strongest forms of bleaching agents, the results can last as long as three years with proper dental care. Here are some essential tips for keeping that professional finish:

  • Proper dental hygiene: brushing twice a day with flossing keeps teeth clean and white
  • Rinse after eating: rinsing with water after a meal reduces the staining of teeth and keeps particles from getting on or between them
  • Avoid foods that stain teeth: coffee, tea, wines, grapes, juices, and colas can stain teeth, so reduce the amount of it in your diet
  • Be careful with acidic foods: staining foods with acids in them can also damage teeth, so you should wait at least a half hour before brushing your teeth after having them
  • Use whitening toothpaste: toothpaste with whitening agents can help keep teeth bright
  • Chew sugar-free gum: chewing gum, as well as parsley and mint, stimulates saliva production, which is essential to healthy teeth

Teeth whitening can give you a brilliant smile, but you have to do the work of keeping them that way. If you need help keeping your teeth their whitest, make an appointment with Dr. Anderson and Village Dental today.